House with land and barn

Hohenebra, DE

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Informacje o tej partii

• The house is at the end of a row of a total of 5 vacant houses. • The house has water, electricity, drainage and gas central heating (frost damage). • The drainage is still in an old Klärgrube (septic tank) but the new sewerage connection is already up to the house. • The house currently has water damage due to freezing of pipes this past winter. • On the ground floor there is a spacious hall, room, kitchen space and another room. • Upstairs there are three rooms and a bathroom. • There is a basement/crawl space. • For the ground lease, an annual sum of approximately 300 euros must be paid to the church. • House is completely empty and cleared. The big old barn is full of rubbish, mess, junk, rubbish and rubbish. • Lot 42/1 own land approx. 69 m2 with house; in full ownership • Lot 42/7 strip in front of houses along approx. 107 m2; Leasehold of church land • lot 43/21 garden approx. 974 m2; leasehold of church land; with old dilapidated barn in ownership Constructed area approx. 182 m2 • lot 43/13 unknown
Numer partii:
Hohenebra, DE

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