Pagina de start
Toate licitațiile
A urmat

s / s Container basculant

Steffisburg, CH

Colectare pe bază de programare

Oferta curentă
Costul licitației
TVA în plus față de costul licitației
Total de plătit

Despre acest lot

Greutate aproximativă: 50kg
Numărul lotului:
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului

Atenție, vă rog!
The collection – strictly by appointment – will start from week 17 onwards (and is to finalize pre July 2024). Buyers will be contacted after the sale for appointments. Due to the complex logistics situation on site all small and midsize lots will be dismantled and loaded on to the transport of the buyer by our professional service partner against a mandatory price per lot (fixed amount clearly shown during bidding). The larger installation lots will be set to ‘by request’ and the buyer will be advised after the sale for next steps and will be presented a list of potential service partners for guidance and follow-up.

Troostwijk is not the seller, but auctions as an intermediary on behalf of a third party.

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