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Toate licitațiile
A urmat

Fan (1x only green components on the pictures and 1x with drawers) (2x)

Mühleberg, CH

Colectarea în zile fixe

Oferta curentă
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Oferta dvs
TVA-ul pe valoarea ofertei
Costul licitației
TVA în plus față de costul licitației
Total de plătit

Despre acest lot

Due to internal regulations, the collection of the goods will be delayed, which means that the system will be dismantled by us and prepared for collection. If, in the intermediate steps, it turns out that the components cannot be returned, the seller will withdraw from the purchase transaction and refund the money transfer.
Numărul lotului:
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului


Troostwijk is not the seller, but auctions as an intermediary on behalf of a third party.

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